Infant Parents Homework Checklist


  1. Have any hats, bows, headbands, blankets, props, family heirlooms or other items you may want in the shots ready.
  2. Make sure the room or rooms are warm.  Your baby will usually have their clothes off for most of the session so it needs to be extra warm.
  3. Have room or rooms where the baby will be photographed tidy and clutter free please. 
  4. You should wear lightweight breathable clothing since it will be very warm where we are shooting.  If you would like to be in some of the photographs we will shoot those first before you get disheveled or sweaty due to the warmth in the room for your little one.
  5. Turn off phones or any other distractions during the photo shoot.
  6. Have water on hand…newborn sessions make you thirsty!!
  7. Before feeding baby, remove all clothes and socks.  Unfasten diaper so it can be easily removed and wrap baby in blanket.  This will help eliminate any creases or red marks on the baby’s body.
  8. Feed baby approximately a half-hour before session is scheduled to begin.  It is imperative that baby is well fed and burped.  : ) 

Keeping these simple guidelines in mind will help to create a successful and less stressful photo session for you, your beautiful baby and the photographer.